This is my blog to record the process of taking over an overgrown plot and all it entails!

Sunday, 30 October 2011

After a weeks hard work.

Around the shed has been cleared of the original rubbish and compost heap.

The edges have been defined, lots of plants moved to pots while the weeding is carried out. The fruit trees have been dug up so they can be moved to a better position

This is how we left the plot late on Sunday 30th October. The front section is to be the flower bed, black plastic is a temporary measure.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Taking on a plot!

This is the overgrown plot we took over on 23rd October 2011. It doesn't really have any plants worth saving apart from some strawberries and the fruit trees.

I will be using this blog to chart our progress from this to a nice usable plot full of veggies next year (hopefully!)