This is my blog to record the process of taking over an overgrown plot and all it entails!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Week 20

I can't believe it is week 20 already! Not much has been happening on the allotment over winter. We didn't go there much due to Christmas, illness and it being too cold and frozen!

Now we are heading towards spring it is time to get back to it!

One of the things we did do over winter was to fix the shed roof (or rather my dad did it for us!) It was in a quite bad state of repair with several rotten boards hiding under the felt that was letting in lots of water.
The boards have been replaced and new felt put on.

Yesterday I started to repaint the shed. It still needs another coat on the sides and back but I will have to wait for another dry day!

There are signs of life in the front patch where I planted onions and garlic before winter set in.

The never ending battle with the weeds. I have lost count of the number of buckets of weeds like this we have pulled from the plot. Hopefully one day we will have pulled enough out that the weeds will no longer be such a huge problem!